HANDCRAFTING TEA AT HOME | Summer Bancha, Inspired by Musashi's
Location: Southwest Richmond, BC Canada
Our micro-tea garden has five tea bushes aged 5 - 6 years. They are fertilized every autumn by a giant Western Maple that drops leaves all over our little garden; we also add some manure to the ground every spring, just to give the trees some extra nutrients.
In spring, we harvested leaves to make green (pan fired and steamed) tea, as well as a couple of oolongs. In summer, when the leaves are lushest, we had enough material to create micro-lots of summer bancha and dark tea. This article describes the process that we followed this year to craft summer Bancha.
The five tea plants in this garden are all from very different (unidentified) cultivars. We used all five tea trees for this summer bancha.
1) Harvest the tea by cutting, with clippers, twigs and leaves. We used mostly green twigs, allowing the brown (woody) branches to remain on the plant. We harvested no more than 35% of the material available, ensuring that the tea plants are not over-exhausted.